By KiWAV ON 2019年03月13日(水)
カテゴリ: Biker's Question

How to park motorcycle on soft ground?

"Kickstand can and will sink into hot asphalt, pavement, etc. If you don't use a plate, your bike can fall over!" 

A summary, it works.

KiWAV Kickstand Pad does provide a larger surface area for your motorcycle kickstand to park on hot pavement, grass, soft ground. If you don't use a plate, your bike can fall over!

This really is a must have if you live in an area with hot summers. The kickstand of some motorcycles has a small base, and it will make a small divot in the pavement under the kickstand when leaving parking lots.

The Why?

"If you've ever dropped your kickstand into soft ground, you know this is what you need. Or if you have marble-type floors, this can avoid scratching."

The Good?

"It's surprisingly light, and I was sure it would crack with the weight of my bike, but after, say a hundred plus times, it's holding strong."

The Bad?

"Wished the groove in which I put my kickstand in it fit more perfectly. My kickstand bottom is thinner than the notch on the pad, so the stand lies a little outside."

The Ugly?

"I found that this works but is difficult to place on the ground. I ride a Harley Ultra, a heavy bike, and the device seems to be working as intended. It is difficult to place on the ground in the exact spot necessary for the kickstand to rest on it. I tied a bright orange woven line to it and hook it over a handlebar mount to remind me when it is there. That allows me to pull it up, wrap the line, and stick it in my pocket. In bad weather, I'll stick it into a Ziploc in my pocket to keep the mud isolated."

Not a fan of the bike falling over?

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