Oval mirrors

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SKU: PARENT-01-1828-oval
Fitment: Color: Adapter Color: Sold in Units:

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MAGAZI provides a wide selection of stylish and sturdy motorcycle mirrors. It's the first thing you need to change to when you buy a motorcycle. Oval series has simple design and robust look. Simple yet with taste. KiWAV OvalMX black motorcycle mirrors universal fit Magazi KiWAV Oval chrome motorcycle mirrors universal fit Magazi KiWAV OvalMX black motorcycle mirrors universal fit Magazi KiWAV Oval chrome motorcycle mirrors universal fit Magazi KiWAV OvalMX black motorcycle mirrors universal fit Magazi KiWAV OvalMX black motorcycle mirrors universal fit Magazi

How to install the mirrors?

How to install a mirror on your bike?

Here is a Video Tutorial for you!


There are different adapters for 10mm metric bike, BMW, Harley Davidson Street series, scooters, etc.
Make sure to check our store to find out more!

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